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Sunday, April 19, 2020

Rational Anarchism Essays - Anti-capitalism, Anti-fascism

Rational Anarchism The idea of rational anarchism is the idea that every human being is responsible for their actions. The one person who is doing the actions. The only one who can take the blame. This is an idea of a character in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. He believes that no matter how it boils down, the person who the actions is responsible for what they did. There are some cases where I am for this idea and there are some cases were I am against it. I believe that people are responsible for their actions but not all of them. They may be responsible for their actions but it wasnt their choice to carry out the action. Ultimately, the responsibility is theirs. If you were a pilot that carried nukes and the army demanded you to drop the bomb on a defenseless village. If you had a family back home that was living off your pay check and you decided not to bomb the target, your whole family would have to pay for what you thought was the right thing to do. What would the right choice be? To let your family suffer because you thought is it was wrong to bomb a certain place? This is like making someone choose between one form of torture or another, it doesnt really matter which one you pick, you get hurt somehow in the end. Another example is when you dont know that what you doing is wrong. Say you grew up on a different planet were it was accepta ble to kill the weak people who had deformities. If you were to relocate to another place were it was wrong to kill the weak and you kill a person the first day you get there before you learn anything about any laws or anything. Would that person be responsible for their actions? He wouldnt the faintest idea of the laws in his new environment. It could have been just his natural instincts telling him to do what he does at home. I would think that was no one's fault. You could take this topic to an extreme and ask what if someone was hypnotized. If a person is hypnotized and he is told to kill someone, whos fault would that be? If a true rational anarchism were to look at a scenario like this, I think they would be puzzled at the problem that this creates. It could not be the mans fault, for he was hypnotized but he still did the action of killing. But the man who hypnotized him is partly to blame, because he hypnotized the man and commanded him to murder someone. Since the true rational anarchist says that you cant share or split blame, whose fault would it be and why? That is what puzzles me and leaves me partly in favor of this notion and partly against it. I guess that all people are responsible for their actions but sometime those actions can be influenced by other factors, like friends, family and bosses. This would be just like peer pressure: you dont want to but you are in a way forced to even if you dont relize it. If a boss asks you to work on the weekend, you may not want to but you know you will make a bad impression if you dont. this will very from friend to family but there will be some for of peer pressure to make you do something you didnt want to do. I do, on the other, hand believe in some parts of Rational anarchism. People are responsible for what they do. If I hit my brother, I would be responsible for what I did. I think there is another part of rational anarchism: for every action you carry out there will be a consequence. Using the example above, if I hit my brother, he will either hit me back or tell my mom and either way, I will be hurt or get in trouble. I think no matter what has been done, there will be consequences, no matter if the action is good or bad. If you do something good you will probably get something good,

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