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Case study finance Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Money - Case Study Example The firm gives gear to execution comprehensive of game balls, socks, watches, bats, eyewear, golf clubs, defen...

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Case study finance Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Money - Case Study Example The firm gives gear to execution comprehensive of game balls, socks, watches, bats, eyewear, golf clubs, defensive hardware among others. Right now, the organization is at its declining stage given that despite accomplishing worldwide acknowledgment, their deals are declining, the piece of the overall industry is declining and the benefits are not developing. In addition the offer cost of the company’s stocks is going down the channel and there are worries over its interest in common reserve where the rating of the organization is gradually being brought down. In July 2005 a portfolio administrator of the organization noticed that a common store the executives organization was worried over the reviews of the gatherings. Subsequently the security costs of the firm kept on declining impressively. The organization was additionally noted to put much in portions of fortune 500 firms which accentuation on esteem speculation. While the stocks were declining, the North Point Large-top Fund was doing admirably as noted from its arrival of 20.7% while the rating by Standard and Poor went down 10.1%. There were additionally worries over the benefits staying steady at US$ 9 billion while the piece of the pie in athletic shoes went down to 42% in 2000 from 48% in 1997. Income was additionally unfavorably influenced by the negative effect of the dollar money. To support the incomes and development of the organization needs to manage choice working execution and set up procedures to help the offer of athletic shoes in the mid-estimated showcase section which a fragment the organization has ignored in the ongoing occasions. The organization needs to likewise stretch out its endeavors to dress line business where the under the most recent administration the firm has performed well. In addition, on the cost side of the organization the organization has plans to expand its endeavors on control of costs. The gathering of top administrators focused on the significance of having an objective of long haul increment in incomes of 10% and a 15% development in profit. In addition

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Physics Cantilever Lab

Free Assessment Physics Lab (SL): Cantilever Flexion Cherno Okafor Mr. Ebrahimi SPH4U7 October 21st, 2012 Introduction Purpose: The reason for this Physics Lab is to explore what components decide the measure of flexion of the cantilever. Thus, the goal is to set up a connection between the length of a cantilever, which may give some understanding into the material science of cantilevers. Theory: If one builds the length of a cantilever, one would expect there to be an expansion in redirection/flexion of the cantilever.Similarly, on the off chance that one expands the mass of the heap, one would expect there to be an increment in the deflexion/flexion of the cantilever. Moreover, I anticipate that proportionality will likewise happen between the autonomous and ward factors. On the off chance that the length of the cantilever copies, it is normal that the flexion/deflexion would likewise twofold. Essentially, if the mass of the heap duplicates, the deflexion/flexion would likewise two fold. Factors: In this examination, I picked two factors: the length of the cantilever and the mass of the load.First, I decided to gauge the impact of the length of the cantilever on its avoidance when stacked with a consistent mass since I knew from related knowledge that there was some connection between the two factors. * Independent Variable: The length of the cantilever in meters, which will be fluctuated by changing the length of the measuring stick working as a cantilever that stretches out over the edge of a table. This will be estimated by implication by estimating the length of the segment of the measuring stick not being used and taking away that from the whole length of the yardstick.The other autonomous variable is the mass stacked onto the cantilever, which will be constrained by at first utilizing a similar mass for every preliminary, at that point for the subsequent part, changing the mass of the heap by expanding and diminishing the mass, and therefore examining wh at the relationship is between load mass and cantilever length. The underlying area of the mass according to the whole measuring stick will be constrained by putting the mass at a similar finish of the measuring stick for every preliminary and denoting the flexion/deflexion. Subordinate Variable: The avoidance/flexion of the cantilever in meters. This will be estimated in a roundabout way by estimating the underlying stature of the base of the cantilever with no mass included (which is equivalent to the tallness of the table) and the new tallness of the base of the cantilever after every preliminary, which will be estimated with mass included. Thus, the distinction between these statures is equivalent to the redirection/flexion of the cantilever. The material and other physical properties of the cantilever will be constrained by utilizing a similar measuring stick as a cantilever for each trial.Data Collection and Processing My analysis is separated into two sections; try An (includ ing the connection among flexion and the mass of the heap) and investigation B (including the connection between the flexion and the length of the cantilever). The following are two tables in which I have recorded the information which I got during the trial. The primary table mirrors the Relationship between the redirection/flexion of the cantilever and the mass of the heap and the subsequent table mirrors the connection between the flexion of the cantilever and the length of the cantilever. I) Relationship between the diversion/flexion of the cantilever and the heap mass (5 preliminaries) Table #1-Experiment A Factor/Variable| Trial 1| Trial 2| Trial 3| Trial 4| Trial 5| Trial 6| Trial 7| Trial 8| Trial 9| Trial 10| Trial 11| Load (g)| 0| 100| 200| 300| 400| 500| 600| 700| 800| 900| 1000| Without Load (cm)| 96| With Load (cm)| 96| 92. 7| 90| 87. 6| 85| 82. 2| 79. 5| 77| 74. 6| 71. 5| 69. 5| Flexion (cm)| 0| 3. 3| 6| 8. 4| 11| 13. 8| 16. 5| 19| 21. 4| 24. 5| 26. 5| Now, I will diag ram this relation:We can see that there is a direct connection among flexion and the heap mass. (ii) Relationship between the redirection/flexion and the length of the cantilever (5 preliminaries) Table #2-Experiment B Factor/Variable| Trial 1| Trial 2| Trial 3| Trial 4| Trial 5| Trial 6| Trial 7| Trial 8| Trial 9| Trial 10| Length of cantilever (cm)| 90| 80| 70| 60| 50| 40| 30| 20| 10| 0| Height without Load (cm)| 95. 5| 95. 5| 95. 5| 95. 5| 95. 5| 95. 5| 95. 5| 95. 5| 95. 5| 95. 5| Height with Load (cm)| 69. 5| 76. 5| 82. 5| 87. 4| 90. 9| 93. 2| 94. 5| 95. 5| 95. | 95. 5| Flexion (cm)| 26| 19| 13| 8. 1| 4. 6| 2. 3| 1| 0| Now I will chart this connection: We can see that there is an exponential/power relationship (bended) between the flexion and the cantilever length. Dissecting Evidence Patterns: 1) In test A, the connection between the flexion and the heap is corresponding as anticipated. As the heap expands, the flexion increments too. As the heap pairs from 200g to 400g, the di version nearly copies as well. 2) In try B, the diversion increments as the length of the cantilever increases.But this time, it arrives at a point (20cm, 10cm, 0cm) where the redirection remains the equivalent regardless of whether the cantilever length changes. End and Evaluation Conclusion: The exploratory outcomes concur with my forecast/speculation since I anticipated that in analyze A, the diversion is relative to the mass of the heap. In try B, I anticipated that flexion/deflexion would increment as the length of the cantilever increments. As the heap and the length of the cantilever expands, at that point the avoidance/flexion increases.This happens on account of powers following up on the particles in the cantilever. At the highest point of the cantilever, particles are pulled separated proportionately to the heap since they are in strain. The powers between particles increment. In any case, the alluring power is greater than the repulsing power in the particles so in this way, the particles are held together. The particles at the base will be pushed together proportionately to the heap since they are in pressure. The powers get bigger and the repulsing power which is greater drives the particles from each other.So they are not disarranged. We can likewise say that they obey Hooke’s law. Assessment: From the outcomes that I got subsequent to playing out the examination, I can say that the trial worked very well. In the breaking down proof segment, I can make the inference that the primary table mirrors a direct straight line diagram and the subsequent table mirrors a bended chart. On this premise, I can say that the trial turned out to be quite well. I think the information I acquired was precise since I did without a doubt attempt to chart these relationships.A conceivable improvement to this investigation ought to rehash the examination twice or more if conceivable. At that point I would get the normal outcomes in a table and along these line s, my outcomes would be significantly increasingly exact. General Conclusion: The general decision we can make from this trial is that as the mass that we put on the cantilever builds, the avoidance increments too until the flexible point is arrived at where the cantilever can't hold further masses so it breaks. Additionally, we can see from the second chart that the bigger the length of the cantilever, the huge the flexion is.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Title of the Paper Essays (656 words) - Education, Education Reform

Title of the Paper ( Education: Social Issue in the United States ) Presented By ( Kadeejah Johnson, [emailprotected] ) Number and Name of Course (Oral Communication - COMM 101) Class Meeting Time/Day (M/W/F: 9:00 A.M. - 9:50 A . M. ) Educator (Dr. Ephraim Okoro) Semester (Fall 2016) The present Date (Friday November 11 , 2016) Bowie State University Branch of Communications Bowie, Maryland A subject consistent with my heart, has been the most discussed issue in the rural and downtowns of the United States and that is training. The confusion with training is that it is free for everybody and is similarly dispersed to each understudy. The issue that has become the outside of instructor's disappointment is Common Core, which is the standard test in both arithmetic and English. It has been realized that instructors could just train understudies what the State or District permits them to educate with such controls of being inventive with the manner in which they approach the exercise. The subordinate social issue with training is that it is instruction doesn't have a place with the educators and the school's any longer, it has a place with the State and District; leaving instructors restricting what the understudies need to learn and the manner in which they should learn it. The most ideal approach to deal with the issue is to give instruction back to the school and its org anization to give the understudies the best possible training. Going into our twenty-first century, we are discovering an ever increasing number of understudies moving on from secondary school not set up to accomplish school level work or accomplish adequately in section level employments. The open business network is starting to question whether government funded schools are fit for delivering people who can become gainful citizenry. They ask the educational systems how it is such a significant number of understudies can graduate with not many aptitudes. One clarification is social advancement- - that is, educational systems' act of elevating an understudy to the following evaluation level paying little mind to their scholarly capacity. Albeit social advancement may appear to be different to us today, it has a long history. Social advancement has been an element of instructive organizations for a considerable length of time. Advancement of an individual regardless of what his scholastic achievement has for quite some time been a standard strate gy. Schools can't show up they are neglecting to instruct their understudies so they take the necessary steps to elevate the understudy to the following evaluation. Will the discussions over training change ever end? Can any arrangement of training ever be framed to fulfill the clashing wants of the individuals? The instruction of America's childhood is a significant dependent upon most voters. Training holds a couple of spots in each political decision and has consistently been a significant piece of each applicant's foundation. The individuals of America have numerous sides to every one of the various issues that encompass instruction. A portion of these issues incorporate the substance of the educational program, discipline approaches, security of the youngsters, stuffed study halls, zoning guidelines, nature of educators, and the consideration or avoidance of strict lessons. Guardians are lost in the ocean of various change thoughts to decide in favor of when they round out their voting forms. Basically, guardians need their kids to get brilliant training. Looking for a school that can give such an instruction can end up being a troublesome undertaking. The biggest provider of instruction is the legislature. While practically 50% of America believe the state funded schools to be not out of the question or more regrettable, the mind lion's share of guardians keep on sending their youngsters to publics schools (Metropolitan). The most ideal approach to deal with such circumstances is to decide in favor of a competitor that bolsters the issues in the instructive framework, and to not subvert what the other up-and-comer feels about training. Continuously think about how as a National circumstance can influence the fate of your youngsters or potentially even yourself.

Friday, June 5, 2020

4 Types of Essay Writers

So, you’re procrastinating from work you know you should be doing again. After hours of trawling through quizzes telling you what kind of unicorn you should be or what kind of doughnut you should buy, you’ve stumbled on this. A useful way to categorize yourself, how you write essays, and how best you can turn your weaknesses into a positive. Type 1. Lazy Essay Writer Characteristics: You know you have work to do, but nothing in heaven or hell can help you find the motivation to crack open the Word document. Plan of Attack: Find some fun brainstorming website so studying just feels like more procrastinating, and make sure to pick topics that youre interested in. Build an obsession stronger than that of Orange is the New Black, then take down the bulk of the essay while youre high on the productivity buzz. Type 2. The Last Minuter Characteristics: You’ve left it all to the last minute, again. You’re reading this right now knowing an essay is due at some point in the next 24 hours, and you seriously need help. Plan of Attack: Think about how precisely you’re going to use your time. Pick five key texts, and set aside a couple of hours to really get your head around those, writing down quotes, authors, and page numbers as you go so you don’t have to waste time trawling though books to find where you got that perfect quote from. Though you’re probably going to have to write the bulk of the essay pretty quickly, leave aside at least an hour for re-reading and editing, to make sure you don’t lose any points on silly errors. Type 3. The Pre-Organiser Characteristics: So, you’ve planned this essay long, long in advance. You’ve done all the reading, picked your question†¦and now you’re having a complete mental block on how to write the damn thing. Plan of Attack: Since you’ve done most of the work at this point anyway, you can relax a little bit. It’s easy to get stressed out about writing the essay no matter how much work you’ve done in advance, so let yourself play a little fast and loose with your first draft. Write the opening sentence to all your key points, then fill them in when you’re feeling confident. Leave things like the conclusion and introduction till last, and focus on getting the difficult bit out of the way. Type 4. The Mental Block Grappler Characteristics: Chances are, you’re not feeling unmotivated, or rushed, or panicked- you’ve just sat down in front of your notes and can’t get over the big, fat mental block in your way. Plan of Attack: People will just tell you to try and relax in these scenarios, and they’re right (if annoying). While it’s difficult to just force yourself to get started, try doing some other stimulating activities that will get your brain working. No, I’m not talking about schlepping off and watching TV- try writing a few hundreds of words about a movie you saw last week, or applying for a few internships, or analysing a passage from a book or a poem. Basically, anything that gives you some satisfaction while gently warming your brain up for the task ahead.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

What Is De Facto Segregation Definition and Current Examples

De facto segregation is the separation of people that occurs â€Å"by fact,† rather than by legally imposed requirements. For example, in medieval England, people were customarily segregated by social class or status. Often driven by fear or hate, de facto religious segregation existed in Europe for centuries. In the United States today, the high concentration of African-Americans in certain neighborhoods sometimes results in public schools with mostly black students, despite laws prohibiting intentional racial segregation of schools.   Key Takeaways: De Facto Segregation De facto segregation is separation of groups that happens because of fact, circumstances, or customs.  De facto segregation differs from de jure segregation, which is imposed by law.  Today, de facto segregation is most often seen in the areas of housing and public education. De Facto Segregation Definition De facto segregation is the separation of groups that happens even though it is not required or sanctioned by law. Rather than an intentionally legislated effort to separate the groups, de facto segregation is the result of custom, circumstance, or personal choice. So-called urban â€Å"white flight† and neighborhood â€Å"gentrification† are two modern examples.   In the white flight de facto segregation of the 1960s and ‘70s, millions of whites who chose not to live among blacks left urban areas for the suburbs. The satirical phrase â€Å"There goes the neighborhood† reflected the fear of white homeowners that the value of their property would fall as black families moved in.   Today, as more minorities move to the suburbs themselves, many whites are either moving back into the cities or to new â€Å"exurbs† built beyond the existing suburbs. This reverse white flight often results in another type of de facto segregation called gentrification.   Gentrification is the process of renovating urban neighborhoods by an influx of more affluent residents. In practice, as wealthier people flow back into once-low-income neighborhoods, longtime minority residents are forced out by higher rents and property taxes based on higher home values. De Facto vs. De Jure Segregation In contrast to de facto segregation, which happens as a matter of fact, de jure segregation is the separation of groups of people imposed by law. For example, the Jim Crow laws legally separated black and white people in almost all aspects of life throughout the southern United States from the 1880s to 1964.   De jure segregation can breed de facto segregation. While the government can prohibit most forms of de jure segregation, it cannot change people’s hearts and minds. If groups simply don’t want to live together, they are free to choose not to do so. The aforementioned â€Å"white flight† segregation illustrates this. Even though the Civil Rights Act of 1968 banned most forms of racial discrimination in housing, white residents simply chose to move to the suburbs rather than live with black residents. De Facto Segregation in Schools and Other Current Examples The U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in the 1954 case of Brown vs. Board of Education, coupled with the enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, effectively banned de jure segregation in education. However, de facto racial segregation continues to divide many of America’s public school systems today.   Since school district assignment depends partly on where students live, cases of de facto segregation can happen. Families usually prefer that their children attend schools near their homes. While this can have positive effects, such as convenience, and safety, it can also result in a lower quality of education in minority neighborhood schools. With school budgets dependent on property taxes, lower-income, often minority neighborhoods, tend to have inferior schools with inferior facilities. In addition, more experienced teachers choose to teach in better-funded schools in more affluent white neighborhoods. While school districts are allowed to—and sometimes do—consider racial balance in their school assignment process, they are not required by law to do so.   Though federal laws and Supreme Court decisions protect against discrimination based on gender, de facto segregation based on biological sex is commonplace. De facto sex segregation is the voluntary separation of men and women occurring as a matter of personal choice according to generally-accepted social and cultural norms. De facto sex segregation is most commonly found in settings like private clubs, interest-based membership organizations, professional sports teams, religious organizations, and private recreational facilities.   Sources and Further Reference Kye, Samuel H. The Persistence of White Flight in Middle-Class Suburbia. Science Direct (May 2018).Greenblatt, Alan. White Flight Returns, This Time From the Suburbs. Governing (June 2018).Zuk, Miriam, et al. Gentrification, Displacement and the Role of Public Investment. University of California Berkeley (2015).Florida, Richard. This Is What Happens After a Neighborhood Gets Gentrified. The Atlantic (Sept. 16, 2015).Maslow, Will. De Facto Public School Segregation. Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law (1961).Cohen, David S. The Stubborn Persistence of Sex Segregation. Columbia Journal of Gender and Law (2011).

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The World War II ( Wwii ) Essay - 1626 Words

Europe faced countless challenges during the immediate aftermath of World War II (WWII). Firstly, this essay will examine the most important negative consequences confronted by Europe after WWII, including, the effects the war had on the European economy and political conditions. In this regard, it will look specifically at the Soviet Union, Germany, Poland and the United Kingdom. Secondly, the essay will review the numerous displaced populations WWII left behind as well as the expulsions of several Germans from Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary. Lastly, this essay will observe the destruction and loss of cultural heritage Europe encountered following WWII. The loss of life and resources had a great impact on the economy of the Soviet Union. During WWII the Soviet Union lost the lives of approximately twenty seven million people. Nineteen million of those were civilian deaths due mainly to starvation in the Siege of Leningrad, poor conditions in Germany and Soviet Union prisons and concentration camps, mass shootings, famine and disease. As well as the casualties, the Soviet Union also has approximately twenty five percent of capital resources destroyed during WWII. With the lower population and fewer resources, industrial and agricultural output dropped to amounts lower than it had been prior to the war in the late 1920s. During WWII nearly 32,000 Soviet Union large-scale industrial enterprises were put out of production. The reduction in the Soviet Union labourShow MoreRelatedThe World War II ( Wwii )1581 Words   |  7 Pagesrelations to the Nazi Regime. But only a few know, that during the World War II (WWII), there were a few German non-violent resistance groups. These groups tried to â€Å"fight† the Nazis from within. Just to mention a few, there was the student circle who called themselves the White Rose, another one was the Kreisau Circle, another group was The Swing Kids. But did these non-violent movement groups had any effects on the outcome of World War II? Most students that belonged to the White Rose group, that roseRead MoreWwii And The World War II953 Words   |  4 PagesWorld War II involved the vast majority of the world s nations consecutively between the years of 1939 and 1945. WWII altered the political alignment and social structure of the world. WWII began far before the invasion of Poland. Beginning with the Great Depression and the Stock Market Crash together aggressively pushing Germany in despair for economic and political revival. With the defeat of WWI, by The Treaty of Versailles, Germany was forced to accept responsibility for the war damages, payingRead MoreWorld War II ( Wwii )1312 Words   |  6 Pagescamps† are all words that make you think of World War II (WWII) and these are all closely related to WWII. What about â€Å"Rosie the Riveter†, â€Å"war bonds†, â€Å"the family dynamics†, â€Å"rubber and aluminum drives†? Does it ring any bells? These words are related to WWII also but refer to the home front. The absence of many men due to WWII, caused the dynamics of the workforce and of the â€Å"women’s place in the family† changed forever. In the 1930’s and before WWII America was in the (not so) Great DepressionRead MoreThe World War II ( Wwii )1295 Words   |  6 Pagesthat resulted from the German involvement in World War II (WWII). After the war, the German economy crumbled, the nation was divided and the government was defeated soundly. Now, German economy is the 4th best worldwide, the government is thriving, and the formerly divided country is now unified. Yet even with all of these momentous achievements, the shadow of WWII still remains. Contemporary Germany has grown in stability and prosperity since World War II largely due to the German PflichtbewuÃŽ ²tseinRead MoreWorld War II ( Wwii )1312 Words   |  6 Pagescamps† are all words that make you think of World War II (WWII) and these are all closely related to WWII. What about â€Å"Rosie the Riveter†, â€Å"war bonds†, â€Å"the family dynamics†, â€Å"rubber and aluminum drives†? Does it ring any bells? These wor ds are related to WWII also but refer to the home front. The absence of many men due to WWII, caused the dynamics of the workforce and of the â€Å"women’s place in the family† changed forever. In the 1930’s and before WWII America was in the (not so) Great DepressionRead MoreThe World War II ( Wwii )1823 Words   |  8 PagesSummary of Evidence World War II (WWII) †¢ â€Å"The Second World War was a necessary consequence of the First World War’s termination in the peace dictates of Versailles and St. Germain.† †¢ â€Å"The outbreak of the war of 1939 was caused directly by the conflict between Poland and Germany over the â€Å"Corridor† and Danzig problems.† †¢ On December 7, 1941 the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and also attacked the Philippines, Wake Island, Guam, Malaya, Thailand, Shanghai and Midway. United States ofRead MoreThe World War II ( Wwii ) Essay1875 Words   |  8 PagesWorld War II (WWII) lasted longer and killed more people than the Great War. There was not a fast victory conquered by bombers hitting the heart of the enemy. Air power’s contribution to the allied victory did not represent the ultimate fulfillment of the predictions of interwar theorists. Even though air power had an important role, and many lessons and doctrines emerged after this period, the visions of Douhet, Mitchell and others did not materialized as they expected. In this paper, I will discussRead MoreDeveloping Countries During World War II ( Wwii )1211 Words   |  5 PagesTrade policy in developing countries obtained major influence from the changing views in economic development, namely, inward looking and outward looking (Moon, 1998). For about 3 decades after World War II (WWII), the trade policy of developing countries relies on inward-looking development. This type of development is implemented through autarky trade policies to protect country’s local manufacture industry. There are so many critics delivered during the inward looking development implementationRead MoreWhy the U.S. got Involved in WWII in Patrick Herdens Book, Roosevelt Confronts Hitler: America’s Entry into World War II699 Words   |  3 PagesPatrick Hearden’s book, Roosevelt Confronts Hitler: America’s Entry into World War II, is offering an explanation as to how and why the United States got itself involved in a second world war. Hearden states, that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and Nazi Germany’s declaration of war hastened United States intervention. These two reasons, however, are not the underlying foundation of why the United States entered the war, according to Hearden’s research. Through a quick examination of the chapterRead MoreWhy Did The Allies Win World War II?1480 Words   |  6 PagesAbstract Why did the Allies win World War II? (Roark 854) In this paper we will be discussing the reasons behind why the Allies were able to defeat the Axis powers in World War II. (Roark Ch.25, p. 792) During the era of World War II technology developed largely during this time. (History Net Where History Comes Alive World US History Online RSS) The improvements in technology helped the Allies win World War II, because of technological advances it helped the Allies be more ahead of the Axis powers

Case Study Employee Induction Program

Question: Discuss about the Case Studyfor Employee Induction Program. Answer: Introduction The best title for this case study is the Khalids induction program. From this case study, it is evident that Ahmad was a newly hired employee, fresh from school. The new recruit was hired, as a human resource practitioner. He was assigned the task to foresee the institutional orientation program for the other employees. As a new recruit, Ahmed mastered the art of the HR process. After Khalid joined the institution, Ahmed was given the opportunity to take the new recruit through an orientation process. As explained by Welty (2009), orientation begins with the introduction to the general processes and operations of an organization. Ahmed took the first day to introduce Khalid to the staff. The orientation program presented challenges to Ahmed, the HR practitioners because without the mentor, it becomes difficult for any effort to be fruitful. The issue that has emerged in this situation is the inability of the HR practitioner to establish a strong relationship with the new recruits le ading to fallout. As a HR practitioner, it would be prudent to make - Khalid understand the issues and tender his apology. Regarding - Khalids manager, it is up to Khalid to decide whether to implicate his manager or not. However, any effort to implicate Ahmad will only flop because it will make the situation worse than resolve it. As demonstrated by Welty (2009), developing an orientation program would be critical to resolving such impasse. Ahmad holds a serious responsibility in the company. It is important that that Ahmad implement a buddy system because it benefits the organization and the new employee. With a formal buddy system, the new employee will find it easy to adapt to the new working environment (Castaldo 2015). The manager must understand the roles of buddy by making Sam know the expectations leading to employee satisfaction. Without a doubt, new recruits like Khalid experience steep learning curve. Therefore, Ahmad and Jean should consider building a process based on cultural competence (Bauer 2010). Since the buddy will act as the organizations ambassador, the manager needs to selectman employee who will make Khalid feel comfortable. This requires a teamwork and openness culture. Therefore, the hiring manager must identify the buddy who has time to perform the assigned duty. To this effect, it would be prudent for the Jean and Ahmad to reduce Sams assignments that would keep him away from Khalid. Khalids manager is part of the problem because he failed to understand the significance of induction. In fact, it would be difficult for a new staff to understand the operations and running of the organization without guidance. Jean should be implicated because, he has failed to implement to buddy system. Studies have indicated that a buddy scheme ensures a new worker settles into the role and feel supported (Cooper Wight 2014). He could have assigned Khalid a good friend who is ready to be a friendly and a contact. Jean is implicated because he failed to organize an informal meeting and outline the experience and roles of the buddy. He could have further clarified the expectations in establishing a buddy relationship. Bibliography Bauer, T.N. 2010, Onboarding new employees: maximizing success, SHRM Foundations Effective Practice Guidelines Series. [https://www.shrm.org/foundation/ourwork/initiatives/resources-from-past-initiatives/Documents/Onboarding%20New%20Employees.pdf] [Online] accessed 20 April 2017. Castaldo, J. 2015, Great employee engagement starts as soon as the hire is made, Canadian Business, Sep 23, [https://www.canadianbusiness.com/innovation/profit-500-achievers-onboarding/] [online] accessed 21 April 2017. Cooper, J. Wight, J. 2014, Implementing a buddy system in the workplace, Paper presented at PMI Global Congress 2014North America, Phoenix, AZ. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute. Welty, G. 2009, Developing a new employee orientation program for GXP compliance, Journal of GXP Compliance, vol. 13, no. 3, summer, pp. 82-92.